30 Day GF/DF Challenge

Welcome to the 30 Day GF/ DF Challenge

We are so excited to support you through 30 days of grain-free and dairy-free eating. During this 30 days, we also suggest swapping your breakfast for a Golden Ratio Bliss Protein shake for best results. You may also drink one as a post-workout recovery shake if you wish. In your email, you should have received discount codes for protein (15% off) and meal plans (75% off). We recommend putting your orders in now as we spend the next week preparing our minds, habits, and cabinets for ULTIMATE success. 


Your CODES for product are:

GFDFSALE for 15% OFF protein

GFDF75 for 75% OFF meal plans


Our Challenge Begins 4/29 and you'll have the week of 4/22 - 29 to prepare your kitchen, order your powder and join the community through weekly LIVE videos and Zoom calls.